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Lunes, Pebrero 21, 2011

Know How To Prepare A Dinner Party In A Flash

If you have children, you will know how hard it is to feed them once they have their own favorites. This is where one’s creativity comes in; one can start making cute shaped chicken nuggets, stories about vegetables and about how flying carrots will land on your kid’s mouth. Its fun and time consuming but sometimes, we forget how this creativity can be used through other things and not just for our stubborn little kid. Think about hosting a dinner party and instead of hiring someone to do the theme, invitation, table setting and napkin folding for you, you can jut do it yourself. Are you curious but also afraid of starting this all by yourself? Here are some steps:

Ideas are working mom’s best friends, why? Because when you become one, raising your child is indeed tough, from making faces to make him laugh to designing food on his lunchboxes so he’ll eat it. Creativity just begins to come out naturally, something most moms don’t even realize. Now for your dinner party, if you’re not that confident yet, you can start with your own family gathering, something that only has a few numbers of people. Start of with an idea and then work from there. Plan everything first.

Help from the Internet
No ideas yet? Search through the Internet. There are dozens of ideas in the Internet that can help you come up with your own concept. Once you find something interesting, it’s important to take note of them. There are hundreds of table setting styles and not to mention napkin folding tutorials too. Gather all the ideas that will catch your attention and after that, it’s time to incorporate your own idea or mix and match them according to your theme.

What's Important
What’s important is that you stick to the budget and be a wise shopper. If you have old table cloths, you can use them instead of buying them brand new; you won’t really use them everyday. You can also use your reserved silverware too just make sure that you clean and polish them days before so on the day of the dinner party, you will just to wash them lightly. Make a list of the things to buy and the things you need to get from your attic or basement. Do the latter first, because that takes time and is a lot messier. Once done, finalize what you need to do and your theme too. There is no room for changes because like any other working moms, this has been scheduled and it’ll greatly affect you if there are unwanted changes. Shop for the things that you need that won’t easily spoil, like seasonings and ingredients for the dishes (if you’ll make them yourself) but if you won’t, you can just buy everything on the scheduled time.

This is a lot to take and a bigger adjustment for you too. Remember to be ready for some problems if you want to start with this sideline. It’s important for you to stay calm and happy. Enjoy what you’re doing and don’t let it get into your nerves.