Kilalang Mga Post

Linggo, Pebrero 20, 2011

Rekindle Your Relationship – Create The Perfect Table Setting

In today’s modern world, people are in great need to express their feelings in the most possible way at the soonest possible time. Gone are the days where you keep your thoughts from within. Martyr is not the right word for today’s generation. We all have the latest technology to voice out anything and express it as much as we wanted to. We have mobile phones and the Internet to talk to someone and catch things up. This is one of the factors that seem to be lacking for someone who is in relationship and starts to crumble particularly in marriage. A typical wife who chose to be in silent and accept all the heartaches that the husband brings can end up one day to be a total wreck and cannot figure things out anymore. This adds the statistics of divorce rate.

Of course no one would like to end with broken marriage. Almost all of us dreamed to be someone who we can grow old with. Why don’t you start it today and get in touch again with your partner to revive your relationship and catch up with your lapses? Nothing can be sweeter talking things about the good memories you have shared. Start rekindling the dating days and create a perfect mood for your partner. Here are some of the table settings suggestions that you can do on your abode. You do not need to go to a fine dine restaurant and spend too much, just be creative and take the initiative to patch things up like creating a proper table setting. It will definitely win your partner’s heart out.

The Dried Flower Table Arrangement

To create a romantic ambiance in your home, this kind of table setting is just right for you. Here are the things you need:

• Romantic rose petals
• Burgundy napkins
• Bottle of red wine
• Scented candles
• Your partner’s favorite dish
Scatter the rose petals on a cream cloth with the arranged burgundy napkins and a bottle of red wine. Dim the lights and use the scented candles in the middle of the table to create a romantic mood. Having this kind of table setting can create a little tease to your partner and inhibits romantic ideas for the both of you. This date is just only for the two of you. Make sure that all telephones, mobile phones and televisions are switched off. This is the kind of date that allows you to be intimate and talk things over in a romantic way.

The Tropical Setting

For someone who prefers the conversation to be light and fun, this kind of table setting is the perfect fit for the two of you. Here are the things you need:

• Cocktail Umbrellas
• Pineapples and tropical fruits
• Bright colors for table cloth, napkins and table mats
• Exotic fruit drinks
• Favorite food of your partner that matches the setting

Tropical setting allows you to converse in a lighter way if you find the first table setting too intense. Use bright color scheme such as cream table cloth, yellow napkins and orange table mats. Make the pineapples and tropical fruits as a centerpiece on the table and put your cocktail umbrellas on your prepared exotic fruit drinks. The creativity you have given on this kind of setting will certainly bring an impact to your partner. Catching things up in a relaxing way will definitely be a lot of fun and memorable too.

Saving a relationship particularly in marriage does not need to be expensive. What is important is to get “in touch” again with your special someone and patch things up to create a stronger relationship. Open communication is one of that factors that can strengthen any ties that you have with someone. To understand and to respect each other’s beliefs and opinion is a joint effort and talking these things over can making a difference. For other kinds of table settings, you may ask for an advice or do some research for brighter ideas, what is important is that you have provided your effort to make your relationship last and the willingness to save your marriage is what you are aiming for.