Kilalang Mga Post

Lunes, Marso 7, 2011

How You Can Have A Beautiful Table Setting Even If You Are On A Tight Budget

We are all in a tight budget and it’s only a must to save money on every chance that we can as soon as possible. Though we may also think how would I even enjoy my life and have one good social life if all I will do is to save money and work? To have a perfect balanced life, we must know how to work hard and have something to look forward to, to enjoy life. A simple get together isn’t bad in fact it will help a person detoxify and to eliminate all the stress that you are feeling.

Having your college friends, your family and your coworkers doesn’t mean that you will need o hire caterers and designers. People now know how to share, some would bring their own recipes and that would already complete the food. As for the table arrangement, even a kid can do that. Here are some ways on how you can save on your next gathering in terms of table settings:

Look Around
Know how to research. Ideas in the Internet are overflowing and you can definitely find free advises and tutorials on how you can do an elegant napkin folding. There are also theme by theme tutorials that you can use with every occasion that you are planning to attend to. You won’t run out of ideas, there is an Internet help for each theme that you want to do. Just be patient enough when researching and be careful with the information that you are giving.

Now that you know what you want and like to achieve in your table setting, don’t be discouraged if you don’t have the exact materials and remember, don’t buy anything expensive, you can check your basement or attic for things that you have already forgotten but would be perfect for this occasion. For example, you were able to find an old brass candle holder and you want to arrange a dinner. It will be perfect for your table as a centerpiece. Found large glass irregular shaped vases? Why not pick 3 of the same size and fill them up with potpourri and that’s it.

Be Creative
The key here is not about money or being pressure. The only that is important is for you to enjoy what you are doing. Be creative and learn to lose yourself. Don’t be afraid to experiment with color blending and centerpiece trials. Decorating your dinner table can be fun and once your loved one sees your talent, surely she will fall in love with you again. Find materials in your home and use it like those old brass bowls which can be use as centerpieces.

Saving money isn’t just because you are cutting on your expenses, sometimes it is also after on how you budget your money and how can do so many things even without any greater amount to splurge.

Different Table Settings for Different Yearly Events

Feeling drained out that everyday you do the same things, no exciting people to meet, no new things to discover and living a fairly black and white life. You really don’t need a new set of routine or even a new job, what you need is something to look forward to, something that will temporarily stop the same old life that you have and give you a break. The perfect solution for this is your yearly events. We may have forgotten these events but they are all scattered in our calendar, making them a perfect break for us.

Don’t be afraid to participate and show them your creative side. Go and organize little get together and parties, cook, decorate or help in organizing the event. One of the most important aspects of celebrations is how we present the foods in the table. Table setting can be fun and exciting, that is why here are some helpful tips on how we can decorate our table on different yearly occasions.

Seasonal décor ideas don’t need to be extravagant. Don’t over do your designs. Sure you can be little excited and happy with all the available ornaments but overdoing it won’t look beautiful, it will look congested.

• Decorating your dinner table must come from your heart, especially if this is for a Valentine day table setting where you will want the best romantic setting for your special someone.

• For Valentines, you can use a red table cloth that will accentuate passion and love. Roses too are a great addition to your table as a centerpiece or a design in your napkin folding.
• You can scatter rose petals on the floor so that when she walks in inside, with the light dimmed, she will immediately feel like she is under that romantic movie.

• Table centerpiece for Mardi Gras should be colorful and lively. In here, you don’t need to hold back especially with color and ornaments. This is a happy, wild and festive gathering that will surely make everyone excited and alive.

• Halloween table settings should be simple though, even if this is one of the most sought after events in the calendar. Sure we can find so many decorations in the market making it hard to stop the temptation of buying them but always remember that simplicity is still the best.

• You can use orange, black and white cloths to decorate your house for Halloween. For chairs, you can cover it with an orange cloth and tie a black ribbon on the back. For the table, cover it with a white cloth and then add a small vertical orange cloth and back lining on the sides.

• For your Halloween treats, you can make cupcakes with orange and black colors. You can learn different design techniques so you can add spiders and bats frosting.

Table settings don’t need a lot of work and you don’t even need to be stressed out. Decorating your dinner table for an event can be something for you to look forward to, to enjoy doing not the other way around. We are looking for something that will give us a break from our routine.